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Sem. Ham Ezra Ayuban NEWS 8th August 2024

IHMS holds three-day retreat

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary held a three-day retreat from July 3-5, 2024 to prepare the seminarians for the new formation year. The retreat began with a holy hour on the first evening, followed by dinner and a movie. A dawn rosary at 4:30 opened the second day of retreat. Lauds and holy mass followed, celebrated by Rev. Fr. Rommel H. Anico. At 8:30 AM, the recollection talk began with Sem. Ferdie Lansang as the speaker. He tackled the topic on prayer and gave points on how to pray and meditate. Sharing by GKK (Gagmayng Kristohanong Katilingban) followed at 10:30 am.The whole afternoon was spent on individual prayer and reflection. The holy hour began at 6:00 pm. Following the holy hour was dinner and movie viewing. On the third and last day of retreat, the day began with a morning prayer at 5:30AM, followed by the holy mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Rommel H. Anico. After breakfast, the Spiritual Director's (SD) Conference was held. The new college spiritual director, music director, and HR-in-charge, Rev. Fr. Bernadine Jade Dionne Balite facilitated the SD Conference. He tackled more about what prayer is and reviewed the guidelines of the spiritual formation of seminarians. Following the conference was a class sharing. At lunch, silence ended, marking the end of the retreat days. The three-day retreat was sponsored by the first-year class.